Tips and News


What Are Hiring Projections?

Over a third of employers plan to increase their permanent workforce. This is a huge jump from previous years. Hiring is strong across the board, especially in engineering, science, technology and math. Construction has come back with a roar, as well, up 15%. Hospitality: increased 22%. Both of those areas were hammered, in previous years. The only laggard is Education. Unlike, previous years this is a candidate driven market. But, employers are looking for the best, not just anyone. And, they want stability, as turnover rates have been high. Companies are striving to keep their older workers to train those newly entering. And, with multiple job offers, companies need to speed up their hiring decision making. Recognize talent more quickly, and be ready to make an offer… and, a good one. Candidates- Ask the recruiter you are working with for resume writing and interviewing tips. Also, our team is always willing to share information.
